Clean Fill Tipping Site
Abandoned Mine Reclamation/Restoration
"There is an unfortunate legacy of abandoned mines in Wisconsin"
"Abandoned sites are typically unstable and are often safety hazards, environmental threats, attract nuisances and eyesores"
"Abandoned mines can result in a loss of productive land use, become dumping grounds for illegal solid waste"
"Show evident loss in wildlife habitat"
"They pose aesthetic and economic negatives as well. For example, decreased tax revenues at such sites often have a negative impact on property values of adjacent landowners"
"Worse, such sites may prersent safety hazards that create situations resulting in personal injury or even loss of life."
(Language from the Environmental Assessment (EA) supporting rule package for Adoption of Chapter NR 135 Mine Reclamation.)

Future Country Estate/s
Our vision has always been to restore 609 Scenic Rd to develop country estates for our home and horses.
Once the quarry is restored the property will have appropriate land use once again. The topography and land use will conform with the surrounding properties. We currently have 2 ponies, Fritz and Rodeo, and this property is our home.

The Quarry Before Mining
This is 609 Scenic Rd before the mining operation (around 1959). Notice the topography of the site!
This ariel view of 609 Scenic Rd is dated approximately 1959. This picture is very inspirational in that it shows what the pre-existing topography was before mining began. The property has beautiful hills and fields. You can even see the fences along property line to the south that still exist.

Before Restoration- 2016
This is the view from the Northwest section of the property looking Southeast.

Our Mission
To restore the Scenic Quarry by accepting "clean fill" per
NR500.08 (2)(a)(b)
Althought there are residents in the community that recognize the abandoned quarry as a landmark in the community the fact is it's a scar in the Earth. This site was required, by a conditional use permit, to be restored with a 3:1 slope seeded and topsoiled, trees lining the property on all sides, removal of stockpiles and mining shafts. The operator walked away without fulfilling the committment. Notice the high walls of loose gravel that was left behind.
By accepting clean fill we can reinforce the site to provide for stabilization and restoration. We want to restore the Scenic Pit in as little time as possible with as little disruption to the community as possible.
There is a "myth" that abandoned quarries restore themselves. The vegetation and trees present today are species of plants that grow in the harshest conditions of our climate.